The battery time: I haven't got an problem with battery . The H730 lasts up to 6 hours for non-stop use.
Good style: The Yurbuds (ce) signature series itx-2000 in-ear has a unique design. The unique design of hanger and cap will give no pain to your ears.
The long line: This headset uses a USB line, to charge but does not come with a car adapter. This headset line is thin, very soft
Work well with the cellphone: This headset seems to be an excellent headset which works well with all Bluetooth devices. The headset supports all music applications for samsung galaxy s6.
The sound quality: The sound quality is clarity and clearly. My headset still works well even I am even far away from the iPhone 6S.
Outstanding headset for the cost. Strongly recommend you this earphone, I think.