Sony Wireless Stereo Headset Review

I spend a lot of time playing the ps3 online. I have tried out various other band headsets from Amazon. After a full day of use, I am glad to tell you why this headset beats all the others.

First is the comfort. It is comfortable for long hours of playing game without having to give myself a rest. The pads are soft and I like the way that it fits. Also, it is extremely lightweight so it won’t cause neck pain or headaches. I have no problems after 4 hours and did not experience any discomfort.

Second is ease of use. It is a no-brainer to set up, just plug the USB adapter of the headset to the ps3 and worked immediately. Controls are easy to use during playing games. My next test was on the pc and it was also a simple setup. Windows 7 instantly recognized this device and after a few minutes I was talking with other people on Skype.

Third is the sound quality. The headset sounds clear and loud. When virtual sound is on, you can simply pinpoint where the sound I couldn’t be more pleased with this headset’s chatting quality. The headphone is top quality, compared with other high quality headphones. I tried several different games, sounds were clear and loud, surround sound was great. I had no issues while gaming. If you buy this you will be not disappointed.

Fourth is the battery life. The battery life is outstanding. It has a Lithium Rechargeable battery that lasts up to 7 hours! When the headset is plugged in, there is a status bar on the ps3 regarding its battery.

Fifth is the value. At $99 it is a great value. I’ve read so many reviews before purchasing this one on Amazon. Some people reviewed that the headset is not a Bluetooth headset. Bluetooth is not a common part of PC. So it is good for you if you only using the headset for your ps3. This is purely a ps3 gaming headset! Some people say that it doesn’t work with an Xbox 360. Are they serious? It’s a Sony product designed to the ps3 also produced by Sony.

In the end, if you simply want a high quality headset with chat feather for ps3 gaming, this is one of your best options.

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